This is what bread looks like after you put it in a warn oven to rise and then forget about it and go to bed.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pregnant Brain
This is what bread looks like after you put it in a warn oven to rise and then forget about it and go to bed.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Star Makeover
This is my Christmas star I got it for our first Christmas as a married couple. I love my star. It has lots of good memories I love how Eric fastened a black coat hanger to the star when the star would not say on top of the tree so I could wire securely in place. Since then I have wished it was gold to go with all my other Christmas things but I can't bare to replace it. This year I was feeling especially crafty (pregnant) and i had an idea.
I bet I could just paint over my star with glue and cover the silver glitter with gold. So I did and I think it turned out great.
Did I mention I am pregnant and my brain is not what it should be? Well I did this project wile my little girl Livvy was napping so she would not get into the glitter. When I was done I however didn't put the glitter away and found this mess.
David Designed
original idea
final plan
finished product including a tag with the"designers"name David wrote his name and was so pleased
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Best Quilt Frames Ever! spread the word
I saw these quilt frames that I though where ingenious so I showed Eric and he said it would be easy to make. He spent his holiday Wednesday making me these. They work so well the quilt goes on faster and comes off is seconds plus it saves my thumbs from pressing in tacks and trying to pry them off after. Words cannot describe how thrilled I am with these quilt frames!
I am Grateful
I am grateful for many things this year, I especially grateful for my family and friends. I had a wonderful thanksgiving because of both. I had fun decorating and cooking. Thank you to Eric my wonderful husband who made the best turkey ever (brined Turkey). Who also saved my gravy and who made me the best quilt frames ever.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Going Private?
Crazy kids
David picks some winner outfits for school. I am glad he gets him self ready and I hope his teacher can tell they are his own creations. I usually tell him his outfit is interesting but it never deters him. This morning was especially great. still my favorite is plaid on plaid yicks!
Livvy loves books so I filled one of her toy baskets with books. Last Sunday afternoon she sat on the floor and looked a t books for a couple of hours.
Three friends
Livvy has taken to carting around these three "friends" problem is she has fallen down the stairs twice this week trying to carry then all up stairs at the same time. That is more times than she had ever fallen down the stairs in her life. I hope she figures out that she can't carry 3 "friends" up and down the stairs before she gets seriously hurt.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween Decor on the Cheep
I love Halloween but I am not willing to spend a bunch of money to decorate for only a few weeks, bottom line I am cheep. I did find a few cute ideas that I could make for little money. I also just decorated two spots my mantle and a table by my front door. It was David's idea to put the spider on the painting he thought it was especially sneaky.
I love the decorative pumpkins but I thought I would never have them because I was not willing to spend $15 and up in price a peace. I was at Kroger and they had a sign 2 for $4 by these pumpkins I couldn't believe it. I asked one of the produce guys and he said it was the correct price. I checked out and I felt like I was stealing when the cashier asked me the price because they had no sticker or code on them. but for $6 I got these cool pumpkins. I also stick a balloon on my dress form and thew a table cloth and some cheese cloth over it. David thinks it is a great ghost.
I lives this idea when I saw it online I used burlap from the remnant bin $2, ribbon and pain I already had. I made this a learning thing for David I drew with pencil the letters on each and he helped me get then in the right order to make the words. Then we painted them together you can probably tell witch David painted but he did a pretty good job.
this ghost is so cute a spaghetti sauce jar and $1 spray paint. Craft paint for the eyes and mouth I used my thumb for the mouth and finger for the eyes. The wire is from the hardware store $5 for 100Y and a tea light. I think this is a great bang for your buck.
last year David and I made these ghosts cheese cloth, a Styrofoam ball and a hanger plus a face I got online. We also cut out black paper silhouette of bats and spites and things to stick around the house. I love it when a little time and less money make some cute things.
Pre-schoool Halloween Party
For me everything in entertaining starts with the table setting. Pre-school Halloween party is no exception.
jelly bean bracelet and crazy eyes for the kids. I was able to use some scrap fabric to make the little pumpkins.
I found a pattern for pinwheels and I thought that would be fun from some old paper.
the Cuties Dema, Livvy, Finley, and Briella
an extra shot of my little Alien.
I was too busy to remember to take any picture during the party. that is pretty sad.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Freezer Jam
Recipe Thanks to Sandy Willett
4 cups mashed Strawberries
3 ¼ cups granulated sugar
1 box CERTO Light Pectin Crystals
Mix CERTO Crystals with ¼ cup of above measured sugar
In large bowl stir together strawberries & CERTO/Sugar mixture
Let stand 30 minutes. Stir occasionally
Add rest of sugar & stir for 3 minutes
Put into clean containers filling up to ¼ inch from rim
Cover with lids. Leave at room temperature for 24 hours until set
Store in fridge for up to 3 weeks or freezer for longer storage. Sterilized jars are not necessary for freezer jam, they just need to be washed in hot soapy water. Plastic containers are also appropriate for freezer jam as long as they are not larger then 2 cups
Can I say I love my stick blender it is perfect for so many things. It gave me the texture I wanted.
12lbs of strawberries yields 34 Cups of jam. Yummy!
Livvy test. What do you think Livvy?
A picture is worth a thousand words. I think she likes it.
Next project Picked Carrots mmmmmmm