Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sarah Willett Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

I've been asked to share my bread recipe and I'm happy to share.
Exited to use my new containers. I can raise 2 batches of bread at the same time and fill my oven. Hurray for resultant storage containers.  Put my containers and loaf pans on a heating pad (medium) to rise when the house is cold.

I use giant 16x4x4 bread pans  4 of then fill my oven and make the equivalent of 12 1lbs loaves all at once. I could never fit 12 loaf pans in my oven at once.  This way I don't have to make bread every week.  I just freeze the rest for later.

Sarah whole wheat Bread

6 cups of water 
2 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp gluten (dough enhancer with vitamin C to keep the bread fresh longer)
2 tbsp salt
½ cup oil
¼ cup sugar or honey
¼ cup Molasses
1 cup cornmeal
½ cup ground flax
1-3cup (to your taste) wheat fresh ground (I like hard red wheat) or wheat flour

Boil water.  I use my kettle or the microwave. It doesn’t have to boil but close.
Add boiling water to bosch mixer then add sugar, molasses, cornmeal, oil, salt, ground flax, and whole wheat flour.
Mix well
Add sprinkle white flour to cover the top of the mixture 2 or 3 cups
The sprinkle on yeast and gluten then mix well.
Then add flour till the dough comes away from the sides.   
This dough if left to double will overflow the bosch bowl so either keep an eye on it and let it fill the bowl and punch it down twice or transfer to a container 10L or bigger to double. This dough is pretty soft.
Form into loaf pans
Heat oven to 500F this may takes some time, so if you turn on the oven when the dough is first put in the pans the oven is usually ready about the same time as the bread dough.
Once the dough has risen bake for 10 min at 500F then turn down to 350F and bake for 40 min or till internal temp is about 200F.  After 30-35min I stick my instant read meat thermometer in and check on the bread.
Enjoy (with butter and honey or sugar)
Freezes great
Makes 2 to 6 loaves depending on size of pan

1lbs pan aprox 8x4 makes 6
1.5lbs pan aprox 9x5 make 4
16x4x4 long pan makes 2

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

Thanks, Sarah!! I've been trying all different recipes, so I'm excited to try this one! I'll let you know how it turns out... Miss you!