Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Pecan Tree

We have a pecan tree in our yard.  It's not much to look at but it has delicious nuts.

 Can you spot the pecan?  Finding the nuts is like a little treasure hunt. They are harder to find than you would think.

 How about here?
(hint: bottom left on each photo) 

 Livvy , David, and I picked about 4 gallons of nuts.  Livvy likes to hunt in a frog suit. 
 here is about 5 min worth of hunting.


Kara and Theo said...

Oh my goodness! I am crazy jealous of your pecan tree! We would be more than happy to take some of those off your hands. ;) I'm not so jealous of you having to shuck them though, were your fingers bleeding afterwards?

Metallica and Mozart said...

I want to write a novel about your neighbors house. Do they have lamp shades made of possum skin inside?